Forms for Religious Education Programs
Some commonly-used forms for religious education programs. You should customize each of these forms to suit the individual needs of your congregation.
Code of Ethics for adults working with legal minors
A standard "Code of Ethics" form to be signed by all volunteers working with legal minors. As a matter of implementation, it is suggested that the volunteers take turns reading this form aloud before signing it, both to promote open discussion about child protection policies, and so it is clear that everyone has read the document.
Evaluation form: Annual eval. for parents/guardians
To be distributed once each Sunday school year to all parents/guardians. Can be used mid-year (generally a higher response rate) or end of year. May be converted to an online form (e.g., Survey Monkey, Google Forms).
Evaluation form: for volunteers
Designed for Sunday school teachers, adaptable for use by other volunteers.
First aid report form, or "Ouch Report"
To be filled out any time first aid is given to a legal minor.
Permission forms and medical forms
Examples of permission slips for off-site trips, for on-site overnights, and medical/consent-to-treat forms. You will need to customize these forms after consulting with your legal counsel and your insurance carrier.
Registration form
This registration form asks for basic information needed for the church database, and makes clear the expectations of the program. It is short (one page) to increase the percentage of families who actually fill it out.
Session planning form
For Sunday school teachers, a form for a basic lesson plan.
Standard supplies for Sunday school rooms
A list of all standard supplies, to be posted in each room's storage area. By using this form, adult leaders/teachers will know what supplies are supposed to be in their room, and staff or RE Committee can easily restock.
Teacher recruitment list
sample teacher recruitment grid for use by DREs, MREs, or RE Committees to coordinate recruitment of volunteer Sunday school teachers.
Team teaching calendar
A sample calendar form to help teaching teams plan out who is going to be lead teacher, assistant, or off on any given Sunday.
Weekly evaluation form for Sunday school teachers, or "Note to DRE"
Volunteer teachers are asked to fill this form out (1) to inform the religious educator what happened that week, and (2) to serve as a reference for other volunteer teachers, as a record of what has been taught. Kept in three-ring binders, one binder for each class.