Resources for congregational life
Administration and program resources
Religious education resources
Music resources (mostly folk music for worship)
Worship resources
Administration and program resources
Creating great content for UU Web sites
Text of a presentation for General Assembly 2006.
Extended Family Group programs
A multi-generational group designed to build cross-generational connections in liberal congregations. Includes FAQ, application form, sample newsletter announcement, etc.
"Mystery Visitor" project
"Mystery visitors" visit a congregation's worship service unannounced, and then report on what they experienced. As implemented at Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva (Illinois) in 2004-2005.
Pastoral listeners/ Lay ministers — training handouts
Handouts developed for in-service training sessions with a pastoral listening team.
Staff evaluation form I
For annual reviews of: program staff, salaried staff, and/or other key staffers working half- to full-time staff.
Staff evaluation form II
For annual reviews of: hourly staff, staff that work less than half-time.
Forming support groups in congregations
Basic definitions and considerations when forming a support group in a congregational setting.
Volunteer job descriptions
Sample job descriptions for congregational volunteers, with time frame, goals, accountability, etc.
Religious education resources
Annotated bibliography for faith development
An annotated bibliography of books on faith development, and other aspects of developmental psychology; critical comments on each book.
Bible study for religious liberals ~ Cheat sheet
For use in liberal religious Bible study sessions.
Evaluation process for Sunday school
A report of a successful evaluation process for a church school. This evaluation was conducted with children.
Forms for religious education
Some common forms used in religious education departments of local congregations.
"The Girl Who Dared To Ask"
A 20-minute play to be performed by children in a regular worship service.
"Learning Types and Their Needs"
An essay showing how developmental psychology is not sufficient for describing learners in Unitarian Universalist religious education settings.
Mentor information
A short manual for mentors working with youth in a Coming of Age program.
Notes on classroom schooling
Moving beyond the classroom method of schooling, currently the dominant model in liberal religious education.
Stories for all ages
Stories for use in intergenerational worship settings, and/or in young people's worship services.
Teacher manual for Sunday school teachers
A sample manual for Sunday school teachers.
UUCPA teacher manual
Teaching kids how to be religious
A gentle polemic challenging the current status quo in Unitarian Universalist religious education.
Music resources
Additional hymn words and tunes
For my convenience, hymn words and tunes to supplement the Unitarian Universalist hymnal (Singing the Living Tradition) and hymnal supplement (Singing the Journey).
Christmas carols and Yuletide songs
Traditional words for Christmas carols from the 1937 and 1964 Unitarian Universalist hymnals; Yuletide songs suitable for worship but not in any Unitarian Universalist hymnal; additional verses to carols in the 1993 hymnal. (See below for more Christmas songs.)
Folkish songs for Christmas
Christmas songs with guitar chords for all songs, and a few lead sheets. (See above for more Christmas songs.)
Folkish songs for worship
Copyright-free hymn tunes with words (some transcribed from oral tradition), not found in current Unitarian Universalist hymnals.
Worship resources
Experiment in alternative worship
Description and analysis of alternative circle worship services held at First Parish in Lexington (Unitarian Universalist) from March, 2001 through May, 2002.
Metrical hymns and songs
Hymns and songs in one of the standard meters; some are metrical paraphrases of various sacred writings; some are written by me, some by others.
Responsive readings
About 75 responsive readings and unison readings, suitable for use in post-Christian worship, arranged from original sources (definition of "post-Christian").
Stories for all ages
Stories for use in intergenerational worship settings, and/or in young people's worship services.
Words for worship
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