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Web site of Dan Harper

I use this Web site as a way to share information about liberal religion, progressive spirituality, and related topics.

Overview: This site includes my blog on "Yet Another Unitarian Universalist"; an archive of my sermons; sample rites of passage (child dedications, weddings, memorial services); stories for liberal religious kids; liberal religious readings for worship services; resources for congregational administration and religious education; and more.

Use of material on this site: Unless noted otherwise, this entire site is protected by copyright. Copyright © 1999-2011 Daniel Harper. See full copyright notice.

Table of contents

I. Blog: "Yet Another Unitarian Universalist."
   a. Old blog: blog contents from 2005-2010.

II. Sermons: Most of my sermons: the good ones, the bad ones, the confused ones.

III. Meditations: Some prayers from worship services and other veunes, a selection of prayers and graces for use by families, sheet music for sung graces, and an audio file.

IV. Resources: for worship, music, church administration, and religious education.
Also includes:
   a. Stories for religious liberal kids on everything from Jesus to Buddha.
   b. A collection of responsive readings from many sources.

V. Miscellaneous: resources, including sample wedding, memorial service, and child dedication.

VI. About: Background information about the site author.
   a. Curriculum vitae for Dan Harper

VII. Treatise on Atonement: Online edition of Hosea Ballou's foundational work on Universalist theology. This is a reader's edition which I hope will make this book accessible to a wider audience. The entire work should be online by the end of 2010.


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