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Registration form for Sunday school

This form belongs in the public domain.

Unitarian Universalist Church of Valhalla (UUCV)
2010-2011 church year

First, some basic information about your family for the office...

Parent/s or guardian/s: _____________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________
Mailing address: __________________________________
City/Town and State: ______________________________
ZIP code: _______________________________________

Name(s) of your child(ren) | Birth date(s) | Grade in school
(1) _________________ | __________ | ____________
(2) _________________ | __________ | ____________
(3) _________________ | __________ | ____________

Special information (allergies, medications, family situations, etc.) you think we should know about: ____________________________________________

Next, decide how you can help with the program...

Ours is a cooperative program, so please check at least one (typical time commitment is one to two hours a week):

___ I want to be a Sunday school teacher! (Sunday school teachers must have attended UUCV regularly for at least six months)
___ I will assist a Sunday school teacher.
___ I will help with special programs.
___ I would love to serve on the Religious Education Committee.
___ I'm new to UUCV— please call me in three months.

Thanks to generous annual pledges from the members and friends of UUCV, there is NO registration fee! This means that all families can participate in Sunday school regardless of financial status. You can help maintain this tradition of no registration fee — if you are able to do so, please give generously during the annual pledge drive.

And now just read the Fine Print and sign this form…

Yes, I want to register my child/ren for the Sunday school program at UUCV!

The Fine Print: I understand that I have primary responsibility for my child/ren, and I will be on church property when my child/ren are in their regular programs. I authorize a competent adult to administer first aid treatment to my child/ren in case of emergency. For field trips, I understand I will be asked to sign a permission slip and fill out a detailed medical form for each field trip. If I have any questions about the curriculum or the program, I understand I can contact the Director of Religious Education with my questions.

Signed: _________________________________________
Please print name: _________________________________
Dated: __________________________________________

Please bring this form to the church office, mail it to UUCV, 71 8th St., Valhalla, MA 01799, or copy the information into the body of an email message and send it to dreoffice AT uucv DOT org