Evaluation Form for Parents/Guardians
This form belongs in the public domain. This form converts well to an online form (e.g., Survey Monkey, Google Forms, etc.).
This form may be used at the end of the church school year (May), or in the middle of the year (January). Response rates are generally higher when used in January.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Valhalla
As parents and guardians, you are in a unique position to help evaluate our congregation’s ministry with young people. Thank you for filling out this form!
Your name(s) * : ________________________________________________________________
Your child(ren): ________________________________________________________________
* In order to promote open, honest communication at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Valhalla (UUCV), please include your name(s) above.
1) Which programs and ministries of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Valhalla (UUCV) have you and your children participated in during 2010-2011? (Please check all that apply.)
___ Church school, 9 a.m. Sun.
___ Church school, 11 a.m. Sun.
___ Youth group, 6 p.m. Sun.
___ Attending regular worship
___ Attending intergenerational worship
___ Pastoral care and counseling
___ Pizza potlucks
___ Youth service trip
___ OWL program
___ Nursery/child care
___ Other ________________________________________
2) How would you rate your children’s overall experience at UUCV this year? (You may wish to indicate more than one answer, if you have more than one child.)
Child 1:
Great 2 3 4 Lousy
Child 2:
Great 2 3 4 Lousy
Child 3:
Great 2 3 4 Lousy
3) How would you rate your overall experience as a parent/guardian at UUCV this year?
Parent/guardian 1:
Great 2 3 4 Lousy
Parent/guardian 2:
Great 2 3 4 Lousy
4) If you could do two things to improve UUCV ’s ministries and programs for young people, what would you do?
5) What do you feel is the greatest strength of UUCV ’s ministries and programs for young people?
6) Would you recommend UUCV to friends of yours who have children?
Yes No
7) Anything else you want to add? (Use the back as necessary.)