Volunteer Job Description: Blank template
See notes on this form here.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Valhalla
Mission statement: Transform ourselves, each other, and the world [insert your congregation's catual mission statement here].
Goal: [Insert charter or goal of committee here.]
Time frame: [Give realistic expectations of how much time per week committe memebers should expect to spend on committee work]
Statement of Accountability: [Do committee members report to the committee chair? Does the committee as a whole report to the Board?]
Responsibilities: [What are committee members responsible for? I always include the last two responsibilities, in every volunteer job description.]
— Attend to your own personal spiritual growth and transformation by attending worship services and other church programs.
— Have fun!
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: [if any]
Benefits and opportunities: [Specific opportunities to list here might be, e.g., chance to work with a minister or staff member, and opportunities for ongoing training provided by the congregation.]
Reference checks and/or criminal background checks may be requested of volunteers working with legal minors.
To apply for this volunteer job, contact ______________. [Give contact info, including phone and/or email address, of chair of specific committee OR chair of Nominating Committee.]